Dual-career couples are individuals who, rather than being simply employed, have "jobs which
require a high degree of commitment and which have a continuous developmental character." A
dual-career family is "one in which both heads of household pursue careers and at the same time
maintain a family life together." The need for gainful employment of women has arisen for better
management of the family and fulfilling its needs. More and more women are entering the
working class to satisfy the family's needs. As the number of women entering the work force
continues to rise, it becomes increasingly difficult to mange families. Because of their dual
responsibilities, working couples are particularly vulnerable to the problems of work-family
spillover, conflict, and crossover. Work-family spillover, which can be negative or positive and
bidirectional, involves the transfer of mood and behavior from one domain (home or workplace)
to the other. This paper is a modest attempt to highlight the lifestyle principles, the challenges
and benefits and to suggest some of the recipe for successful dual career family.