Several studies have revealed that tourism is one of the fastest growing
industries in the world. Many developing countries have recognized the
possible contribution that this industry can make economic and socio -
cultural development (Balaguer and Jarda , 2009 ). The purpose of this
study was to investigate the educational and professional background of
the executives and entrepreneurs who are engaged in the tourism
industry in Sri Lanka. This study used mixed method, and research site
was Southern province in Sri Lanka. The study was based on primary
and secondary data. Research sample was 60 executives and
entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. To collect primary data, self
administered questionnaire and semi structured interviews were used.
Descriptive statistical tools and qualitative techniques were used to
analyze data. This study revealed that 11.6% of total respondents are
degree holders, 71.7% has collegiate level education as their highest
educational qualification, 16.7% has only secondary education. Majority
of them are not professionally qualified in the field of tourism. Most of
them still have the educational and professional qualifications when they
joined to the industry. They do not have proper guidance and
encouragements to enhance their qualifications. Lack of time, heavy
workload and more responsibility obstruct them to educate and
professionally qualified. These circumstances negatively affected the
industry for its development up to the international level.