The paddy farmers are one of largest population in Sri Lankan agricultural sector.
Ampara is the predominant district for paddy cultivation where majority of farmers are struggling to
obtain accurate and reliable information on time. Therefore, the study is designed to describe
information seeking behavior and information access methods of the paddy farmers. A conceptual
model was developed based on the literature for the study. The empirical data were collected from
randomly selected 110 farmers representing from 11 divisional secretariats divisions in the
Ampara district. They were critically analyzed. The demographic characters such as age,
educational level, farming experience and farm land ownership influence the paddy farmers’
information needs and the information access methods. Not a single farmer is identified as none
information seeker for paddy cultivation practices and a farmer needs information on at least a
single cultivation practices. Information rich farmers in all cultivation practices obtain higher yield. It
is true, by considering cultivation practices as individually. On field demonstration and video
demonstration are the higher preference for information access methods. Field trip, group
discussion and guest speaker or consultants are the second preferential methods. Publication and
workshop are identified as third prefer methods. Web or electronic information, home study and
practical short courses are the least preference methods for information access for the paddy