Creation and deployment of knowledge is vital for the present
undergraduates as they are living in an information age.
Adequate knowledge about Information literacy skills and the
perceptions of the undergraduates are important for developing
an Information Literacy programme in order to create them as
lifelong learners. The purpose of this study is to identify the
level of IL competencies of the undergraduate students of
FAS, assuming that they are coming from a knowledge
society. Questionnaire was used as research instrument and
administered to 44 students of FAS and 41 returned the filled
questionnaires at a response rate of 93%. The finding of this
study indicates that though they are coming from knowledge
society they are lack of Information Literacy Competency
skills. On the other hand students perceived themselves as
good in Library skills and research skills. This study
recommends that it is important to teach information Literacy
as credit bearing course unit to FAS students and the course
should be designed according to the level of the students.