Wetlands are normally called as the areas where water covers soil all or part of the time. Wetlands are important because they protect and improve water quality, provide fish and wildlife habitats, store floodwaters and maintain surface water flow during dry periods. According to the Ramsar convention, the wetland was defined as "Areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters." (Ramsar convention, 1971). In Ampara District of Eastern Province, Kalmunai Municipality, Karaitivu and Nintavur areas have some significant quantity of wetlands that have been gifted by nature. But, increased population, construction works, town expansion and negligence of wetlands cause many problems to the existence of the wetland. Thus, this research was conducted to identify the problems of the wetland under the title of “the impacts on wetlands” to attain the following objectives such as ‘to find the challenges of wetlands’ changes in the study area, to find the factors for the wetlands’ deterioration and to suggest the solutions to the wetlands’ conservation’. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. As primary data, questionnaire survey and direct observation were used. As secondary data, books, magazines, previous researches and statistics were used. Collected data were analyzed using the SPSS and GIS software and having analyzed remedial measures such as consider the wetlands during the settlement period, proper waste management system together with Kalmunai Municipal Council, and provide awareness among people, were suggested to attain the objectives of this study.