This paper presents a study of data on solar radiation and wind resources used to generate the renewable
electrical power in the Terengganu state coastal area. This study utilized the data collected from the University
Malaysia Terengganu Renewable Energy Research Station (UMTRERS) and Kuala Terengganu International Airport
(KTIA) for years 2004, 2005 and 2006. The generated power analysis was conducted using MATLAB, based on the
power produced from the Unisolar U.S 64 photovoltaic module with an area of 1 m2 and the BWC.XL wind turbine
with a blade area of 4.9 m2. The statistical method of the Weibull distribution was used to analyze the wind data to
determine the potential of wind energy. Moreover, extrapolation of the 23 m data, using the power law, was used to
determine the wind data at heights of 30, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 m. A wind turbine with a capacity of 1 to 50 kW was
used to estimate the power generated. Furthermore, a general study was implemented based on the power produced
from both sources for supplying renewable electricity for the basic utilization of households in the Terengganu coastal
area habitation. The results showed that the average annual energies from the photovoltaic module and wind turbine
were 95.18 kWh/m2yr and 339.09 kWh/m2yr, respectively. In addition the ideal height for continuously powering a
household was higher than 50 m for the wind turbine size of over 50 kW for the UMTRERS site.