Hourly wind-speed data recorded at University Malaysia Terengganu Renewable Energy Research
Center (UMT RERC) using NRG Symphonie data retriever in the Kuala Terengganu between the
years 2004 and 2007. The UMT RERC station is located at 4°13.6′ N and 103°26.1′ E. All
measurements in the wind observation station are recorded using the cup anemometer at a height
of 23 m at mean sea level (18 m above the ground level), has been analyzed to determine monthly
wind speed and energy. The monthly average wind speeds for Kuala Terengganu range from 2.00
m/s to 5.20 m/s. The yearly mean wind speed for Kuala Terengganu was obtained as 2.9 m/s and
north east monsoon season (November to March) mean wind speed was 3.9 m/s for the same
period. The wind power of investigated site is lowest in south west monsoon season, while it is
highest in north east monsoon season as 84.60 W/m2. The highest wind probability value with
0.70 is determined in the north east monsoon season while the lowest value is in the south west
monsoon season with 0.40. In conclusion, it can be said that small wind turbines could be used to
provide power during the north east monsoon season.