dc.description.abstract |
To cope with the energy crisis, many countries are struggling to develop the new
and renewable energy resources. Wave and wave current energy are promising
energy resources because they can be developed at a very large scale. In order to
develop techniques for harnessing wave energy, field measurements have been
performed and numerical modeling as well as estimation of potential energy are
under progress in Kuala Terengganu coastline. The main wave characteristics are
commonly given in terms wave height, period, direction of propagation and
power. The power in wave can be expressed by the formula P = (ρg2 /64π)H2sT,
kW per meter of crest length. However, it is rarely possible to measure data in a
proposed sea area over a long period of time, and to use the data in setting the
environmental condition parameters within which such devices will be expected
to function. As a result, short-term data and water-related data supplied by
weather stations concerning the proposed sea area are often used when designing
WEC devices. This paper aims to describe the importance of data and collection
methods, parameters to estimate the potential wave energy and explain wave
energy conversion methods. |
en_US |