The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships between marketing environment and adoption of green banking
practices in commercial banks in Sri Lanka. The research objective of this study is to understand relationships between marketing
environment and adoption of green banking in commercial banks in Sri Lanka. In order to achieve this objective the data were
collected from 300 staff of commercial banks, by establishing variables to measure the factor and its extend of impact on
adoption of green banking. The research framework of study consists of a variable - Concern for the marketing environment
which was used to measure the level of the concern for the environment influencing the intention to adoption of green Banking
practices in Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka. This study was quantitative in nature. Findings of the research shows that the
Concern for the marketing environment is influencing at high level in adopt of green banking practices. The results of the
hypothesis testing shown there is positive relationship between Concern for the marketing environment and intention to adoption
of green banking practices in commercial banks in Sri Lanka.