In contemporary world, the word, Sustainable development gains currency in the
world of intellectuals. The Sustainable development consists of four dimensions:
economic, environmental, social and cultural. It is self-evident truth that there is a
negative correlation between the sustainable development and domination. Three
kinds of domination are narrated by Adorno: domination of nature, domination
within human beings and domination of some human beings by others. The
attitude of the domination severely affects sustainable development of a country or
the world. T.W.Adorno, a great thinker of Frankfurt Institute of Social Research,
Germany has contributed much to this concept and its functions in the
contemporary society. In this attempt, he explores the role of myths and science
throughout human history and he considers that the domination is an inherent
attitude of human beings .Adorno shows many evidences from Greek and Jewish
mythologies to prove the earlier existence of domination in human beings. Adorno
clearly explains the forms of domination from enlightenment period to
contemporary age. He tries to convince us that science is the embodiment of
domination and exploitation. His analysis of the concept sheds lights on process of
alienation and reification of human beings. Besides, his analysis reveals the
psychological features of science. This research paper also proposes the solutions
to the sustainable development by alternative psychological techniques to reduce
the attitude of the domination from the Indian Philosophical Systems.