After tsunami, fisheries is one of the major affected industry in Thirukkovil D.S Division. Large number of fisheries families have lost their properties and livelihood and they have become as refugees. It has had a considerable contribution to the economy of this Division and on the total production of the country. At present, it was totally collapsed due to large destruction caused by recent havoc. Thus the families involved in the fisheries have inefficient living standard to maintain their quality of life. They live with less income, unemployment, insufficient basic needs such as education, health, food and etc. The main objective of the present study is to explore socio economic status and uplift the socio economic status through providing rehabilitation programme and improving the level of quality of life.
Data were collected through the sample of 100 affected fisheries families who were selected randomly from Fisheries Cooperative Societies in Thirukkovil D.S. Division. The result of this study reveals fisheries families have problems. This is the evidence, that none, of the ongoing programmes on rehabilitation paid attention on community. It is recommended, that in order to uplift socio-economic status of fisheries families, government and NGOs and their activities should be mainly focused on affected fisheries community. In addition to extent this idea further researches are needed.