This study examines the impact of infrastructure on tourism development in Sri Lanka with greater emphasis on
road network. The time period used in this study are ranging from year 2005 to year 2017. The annual time series
data are analyzed by using statistical package, E-Views 10 after the preliminary calculations by using Microsoft
Excel. The unit root of the variables is tested by ADF test to test the stationarity of the time series data used in
the model of this study. Co-integration is tested with the use of Engle–Granger. The relationship of causality
between the variables is found by test of Granger Causality. The results show that infrastructure has significant
short run as well long run positive impact on tourism. Two-way causal relationship is found between tourism
sector and infrastructure. Further, this study recommends that the government should play its role in improving
the infrastructure facilities to increase tourist’s arrival in Sri Lanka.