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Comparative analysis of motion detection methods or video surveillance systems

Show simple item record Deepak, P Shanmugapriya, S AbdulHaleem, S.L 2015-09-04T02:45:59Z 2015-09-04T02:45:59Z 2013-07-06
dc.identifier.citation Proceedings of the Third International Symposium 2013, pp. 71-80
dc.identifier.issn 9789556270426
dc.description.abstract In this paper, a motion detection module is proposed for real time dynamic video frames by comparing the three major classes of methods for motion detection namely Background Subtraction, Temporal differencing and Optical Flow method .A hierarchical background model is proposed based on segmenting the background images. The region model is extracted from the histogram of a specific region which is similar to the kind of a Gaussian mixture model. The pixel model is described by histograms of oriented gradients of pixels in each region based on the co-occurrence of image variations. Silhouette detection algorithm is proposed. The experimental results are carried out with a video database to demonstrate the effectiveness, which is applied to both static and dynamic scenes by comparing it with some well-known motion detection methods namely Temporal differencing and Optical Flow method and based on the results a motion detection module for dynamic video frames can be developed which is cost effective, shows high rate of accuracy, low rate of complexity, and well adapt to different kinds of shadow distribution en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher South Eastern University of Sri lanka en_US
dc.subject Background subtraction en_US
dc.subject hierarchical background model (HBM) en_US
dc.subject pixel model en_US
dc.subject region segmentation en_US
dc.title Comparative analysis of motion detection methods or video surveillance systems en_US
dc.type Full paper en_US

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