The educational sector has paid particular
attention to the potential of technology to facilitate
improvement in the quality of teaching, to enable
effective teaching and to improve the learning
This paper point-outs the use of an e- Tool which can
help both students and the teachers in their teaching
and learning. The e - Tool contains several applications
and editors which are needed for the students and
teacher. The e – Tool can be worked in online and in
offline as well. In online, the e – tool contains some
online applications that connect student – student and
teacher – student for group discussions. In offline it
works as learning tool. The e - Tool provide security
for the institute by providing the facility that can limit
the connection to a certain server.
The e-tool will helpful the student to track his progress
himself and to the teacher or the academic authorities
to track students’ progress and also to summarize and
inspect his/her education state