The aim of this article is to examine the opportunities and threats of electronic banking
in Sri Lanka, special reference the banks in Ampara district. The private and
government banks were involved in this study. 50 banks were examined and the
primary and secondary data were used to arrive the conclusions. Data were analyzed
by using Spss software and descriptive, correlation analysis were done. The results
show that 90% of respondents have access E-banking facilities, while 10% that they
did not have access to E-banking facilities, 83.33% of the user believed that E-banking
has a positive impact on customers, whiles 16.67% do not see the positive impact of
using E-banking. E-banking has several disadvantages over the traditional way of
banking. 43.33 % of respond accepted that security concern is the main disadvantage
of e banking facility and 40% affirmed that E-banking is providing Excellent services
to the customers