Looking at the human resource from strategic
perspective with innovations has been recognized as the
main source of competitive advantage in the 21st century.
The level of engagement and extra contribution such as
organizational citizenship behavior from human resource
is crucial for organizational development and, it is
depending on the efficient workplace human resource
practices. Managing the employees strategically also
requires the human resource practices to be fair. If
employees are treated injustice they may experience work
alienation. On the other hand, injustice perceptions may
negatively influence organizational citizenship behavior.
This study takes into account the perceived
organizational injustice of 224 Sri Lankan employees, and
examines whether they have effect on organizational
citizenship behavior. Furthermore, it also examine
whether work alienation, which has snot referred
previously in organizational justice literature has
mediating effects on this relationship. Results support
that organizational justice is related to organizational
citizenship behavior, and employee work alienation is
demonstrated to be a mediator in this relationship. This is
the first empirical test of this relationship. Implications of
findings are also discussed.