In the present scenario, the role of teacher has been changing due to the pressure of
social and economic changes. The expected role of the teacher has assumed new
dimensions and the society expects his leadership in the task of making education an
effectual instrument in the process of nation building. Competency based instruction is
an effective means of accelerating change in education. It is the duty of the competent
teacher to give leadership quality as a bonus skill to the students who is a leader of
tomorrow’s nation. Competent teachers must have the knowledge of the basic theories
of leadership and ability to turn an individual as a leader. To be an effective and
competent teacher, one must update one’s knowledge and skill in one’s field. Students
imitate their parents, dear ones and teachers. So, teacher must be a good leader and
must have enough competent to make them leaders of nation. In this article the
researcher wishes to discuss about the educational leadership development and teaching
competency of teachers in the education field.