Now a days aging is becoming a major issuse in health domain. Social and caregiving is becoming a dominant activity in
today’s society. This research is to identify the role of family in providing care for elderly people who affected by chronic
diseases. In this study the researcherattempted to analyse various aspects related to elderly care during chronic diseaes
such as the physical care, economic care, social care of families which and findout what are the mechanism used by
families to handle the issues faced by them while caring for elderssuffering chronic diseases.
The research selected 228 samples from Tellippalai Divisional Secretariat and employed an objective random sampling
method. To collect the appropriate primary data, questionnaire, case stuties, focus group discussion and in-depth
interviews conducted with principal data providers. Aprt these sources, Tellippalai Base Hospital records, records from
Divisional Secretariat and e-materials and printed hard copies were used as secondary data source.
The findings showed that the families who provide care forelderly people with chronic diseasesencountered many
psycho, social and economic challenges. They also faced challenges in fulfilling their daily needs. Anotherfact that caring
elders create several difficulties to their families. However, families’ role in providing care for eldersis pivotal and