Kumpam occurrence together with people’s cultural patent the social cultural aspect are ethos, ethos,
ethic, habituation, cult, foot language and spots the kumpam reunified with social above aspect it is
connected with people as life elements. This ritual ceremony system unique for trincomalee division,
the kumpam exhaustive with better participation of elder’s, youngest and children. It has a many
activities and good thoughts for strength of sources we have been living as machinery life and debtors
in the globalization environment without uninformed. Today more people affected by many disease
which are mind problem, mental problem and physical health problems. Our disease weight more then
our bodies’ weight. Kumpam is a relax and mediation to released from all problems and strength their
society many varieties things are happening in the kumpam they are Dance songs dramas
accommodation and priority for elders and children the kumpam accumulate the people one place and
elements to strength the society with group and together with others while they were worshiping
Therefore we call the kumpam means group gather and strength. The belief ritual and ethics are
important for every society and religious so the kumpam has been strength, ethos, and ethics, with