Sequences of revolutions and disruptions in medical learning and health care coupled with Information
Technology have motivated and triggered the usage of big data which in turn has impacted health care too as
many other fields available today. The word big data has become a slogan in the recent past, through its growing
usage every year. Big data applications play a major role in health. Big data in health sector are alarmed with a
huge amount of data sets that are too large, too complex and too fast to process, manage and analyze. The proper
management and critical analysis of these data sets can be applied into health care. This would give a very optimal
result in wellness, personalized health, cost efficiency and predictive analysis. But the challenges in handling big
data and the poor knowledge in using that would affect the applications of it into health care sector. The purpose
of this study is to gain insight on big data and its applications in health care and to analyze the roles and
applications of big data for the improvements in health care.