The level of engagement with a brand is the focus of this study, which analyzes how the marketing capabilities of social media platforms affect that capability. Data was collected from 296 professional social media users situated in Sri Lanka through the use of an online survey. The study's primary focus was on the respondents' personal experiences with smartphone technology. The PLS–SEM method was used in order to investigate the nature of the connection that exists between the various aspects of social media marketing and the engagement of consumers with brands. According to the findings, there is a connection between the consumer-brand engagement features of social media and social media platforms. The findings could be generalized further in subsequent studies by replicating this model in the context of a variety of countries and cultures while focusing on a variety of elements. This article makes a contribution to the expanding corpus of research on branding by giving an examination of the characteristics of marketing through social media and how those characteristics play a part in the branding process. Even though it is generally acknowledged as a practical tool for brand engagement, the actual efficiency of social media marketing components in terms of achieving those goals has not yet been determined. This is despite the fact that it is widely considered as being a viable option. An empirical investigation into the theoretical model demonstrates that the process of developing a brand in Sri Lanka is primarily driven by the components of social media marketing. This was discovered via the examination of the case study.