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Fintech and Digital Marketplace: Turning Awareness Action of Asian Countries

Show simple item record Nawaz, Samsudeen Sabraz 2020-06-17T05:38:01Z 2020-06-17T05:38:01Z 2017
dc.identifier.issn 2478-0677
dc.description.abstract Technology and technological innovation play paramount roles in Asian countries. The global agricultural market tilts demand heavily through the limited resources and a large amount of population in the developing countries, for example, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, and Pakistan. Financial Technology is important and provides sources conveniently to farmers through the digital payment and crowdfunding systems. The main issues are agricultural finance and sustainability concerns from academia, private and government industries. The present study adopts the digital marketplace with FinTech supports agriculture’s sustainability through crowdfunding and digital payment. The new FinTech platform occurs to empowerment, promotes agricultural opportunity in rural, great extent production in the industrialization, and contributes sustainability and national income and prevention of poverty. The FinTech drives to promote products and economic integration widely in the digital market. The purpose of the research review, FinTech movement enlighten the background of agriculture’s sustainability in Asian countries. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Agriculture en_US
dc.subject Sustainability en_US
dc.subject Financial Technology (FinTech) en_US
dc.subject Digital Marketplace en_US
dc.title Fintech and Digital Marketplace: Turning Awareness Action of Asian Countries en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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