Sharing economy and growth of gig workers draw attention of HR manager to develop strategies for dynamic work environment. The purpose of this study is to identify motivational factors which fascinate freelancers and engage them to stay in this industry. This study is also an attempt to extend concept of value proposition in context of freelancing which provide base for long term freelancer-platform relationship. 358 freelancers participate in an online survey, and an adapted questionnaire was used for data collection. Reflexive- formative model with repeated item technique was used for measurement of Freelancer Value Proposition (FVP). Results indicate that Economic Value (EV), Autonomy Value (AV), Developmental Value (DV), Hedonic Value (HV) and Social Value (SV) significantly and positively contribute in Freelancer Value Proposition (FVP). Managerial implications are suggested to improve each value dimension and overall Freelancer Value Proposition (FVP).