Risk-sensitive development is an essential component of building resilient communities. It provides an opportunity for sustaining development investment as well as reducing future risks at community level. Development plans should integrate disaster and climate risk information systematically, to overcome increasing challenges of disaster and climate risks and to optimise the use of resources for effective delivery of development outcomes. While development plans identify needs and priorities of communities, the process of formulating development plans itself intends to empower communities. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) integrated development strategies will enable state and non-state stakeholders to implement risk-informed actions in disaster prone areas. Formulation of risk-sensitive village and regional development plans has been promoted in the recent Community Resilience Framework of Sri Lanka. This paper presents an approach and process in developing risk-sensitive development plans in a pilot project in the Northern Sri Lanka moving from stand-alone DRR initiatives to risk-sensitive development. Key lessons from the pilot project include: involvement of local authorities from the outset of the risk-sensitive development planning process; formulating a system to monitor the complete risk-sensitive development planning process; and creating a community of practice to promote risk-sensitive development planning at divisional level for future upscaling.