The objective of the study is to find out the influence of non-financial motivational
factors on the quality of work-life of civil engineers to improve their performance in
selected private and government organizations in the Ampara district of Sri Lanka. This
study involved 100 civil engineers who were selected from both the government and
private sector in the Ampara district. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the
data. Six hypotheses have been formulated separately for the private & government sectors
as this was a comparative study. CDG, JSS, WLB &PHW were independent variables
and QWL & EP was intermediate, dependent variable respectively for this study.
Based on the hypothesis testing, as there was a positive relationship between
independent variables & QWL whereas between QWL &EP for both sectors, all
hypotheses on behalf of government & private sectors were accepted. According to
the Descriptive analysis mean result value for the public sector in CDG, EP, WLB,
JSIS , PHW and QWL was 3.108, 3.15, 3.1, 3.04, 3.33 & 3.04 respectively ,whereas
descriptive result in private sector is 3.108, 3.424, 2.5, 3.198, 3.17 and 2.968
respectively. It shows that most civil engineers in both sectors choose the average
value. According to the Correlation analysis the Pearson correlation value for the
public sector between CDG, JSJS, WLB, PHW, and QWL, and EP was 0.491,0.516,
0.611, 0.529 and .781 respectively. Whereas the Pearson correlation value in private
sector 0.919, 0.921, 0.683, 0.875 and 0.848 respectively. So, according to the
correlational analysis, the correlation between QWL and EP is positively impacted,
whereas the correlation between QWL and other factors is relatively impacted in the public
sector. Correlation between quality of work-life and other factors is positively
impacted in the private sector. Therefore, the implication of this study is that QWL is
positively related at a significant level with CDG, JSJS, WLB, PHW, and EP in the private
sector against the public sectors.
Keywords: Career development & growth (CDG) 1, job satisfaction &job security
(JSJS) 2, work-life balance (WLB) 3, personal health &well-being (PHW) 4, and
employee performance (EP) 5.