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Inventory system for new pharmacy

Show simple item record Ashik, A.L.M 2015-09-18T10:44:29Z 2015-09-18T10:44:29Z 2012
dc.description Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology for Management Studies en_US
dc.description.abstract "As IT Students our main responsibility is to introduce new technologies or modify an Existing system. 1 develop this standalone application to enhance efficiency, productivity and responsiveness and reduce the work load of pharmacy inventory System .Inventory system for new pharmacist system is computerized system for the user It nlms at providing the user with an interface. That is native and easy to use in developing such as interface the employee user friendly features such as window .menu, buttons and list boxes. As we know the manual processing is quite tedious, time consuming, less accurate in Comparison to computerized processing. As like this obviously. The present system is not is exception consultant encountering all the above problems. The user does not have to write code to create and display commonly required user-friendly features each time around. This inventory pharmacy system The system periodically checks the stock of each item if it is found below the reorder level then purchase order placed to the supplier for that item, As medicine item .if the supplier is not able to supply whole order then rest of quantity supplied by the another supplier. After fulfilled the formalities, bill generated by the system and sent to the customer. Item details maintained by the management this whole process is being done manually. My work area is to automate the above process or to generate a more efficient through widows based system .it is most use full to the user .it reduce the overload work. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Faculty of Management and Commerce SEUSL en_US
dc.subject Information Technology en_US
dc.title Inventory system for new pharmacy en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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