The mitochondrial DNA sequences of
DNA-D loops (mtDNA) from 105 individuals
(11 Beetal goat Rajanpuri strains and 94
sequences extracted from GenBank) from 19
geographically and phenotypically defned
domestic goat breeds in Pakistan were analysed
in this experiment. In this study, we examined
variability and molecular phylogeny of
breeds. A total of 81 haplotypes were observed
in 105 individuals, with a haplotype diversity
of 0.984±0.006 and nucleotide diversity of
0.03953±0.00843. Phylogenetic analysis based
on the mtDNA hyper variable segment
(HVI) of the control region (481 bp), showed
four mtDNA haplogroups (A, B1, C, and D)
identifed in Pakistani domestic goats, in
which haplogroup A (84.11%) was dominant
and widely distributed among all investigated
breeds. The study revealed that all Rajanpuri
strain haplotypes belonged to haplogroup A.
The Rajanpuri is a rare local strain of Beetal
goat breed located in western Punjab province
of Pakistan. The results of genetic diversity
based on 11 microsatellite loci revealed
allelic diversity (3.6363) and high genetic
diversity (0.8342) in the examined Rajanpuri
goat breeds. The analysis for signature
botleneck events, using three models,
revealed signifcant deviation of Rajanpuri
goats from mutation drift equilibrium. The
qualitative test of mode shift analysis also
supported the results obtained under three
models, indicating the presence of a recent
genetic botleneck in the Rajanpuri strain. This
study provides the frst information on the
mtDNA architecture, genetic diversity and
botleneck analysis, which will be useful in the
conservation and management of the highly
valued Rajanpuri goat