Ubiquitous Computing is a concept that consists of qualities that enable people to move
away from traditional desktop computing systems and toward computer systems, where everything is available and accessible everywhere through various devices while being essentially invisible. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature on the challenges of ubiquitous computing with the objective of synthesizing existing knowledge and offering direction for future research. Furthermore, systematic reviews of challenges that obstruct ubiquitous computing's success are scarce. Therefore, this paper carefully reviewed a number of published papers based on their contributions to the body of knowledge in ubiquitous computing and has identified six grand challenges that are critical to the future of ubiquitous computing. Such as social, legal, and ethical Issues, technical issues, architectural issues, human and environmental challenges, security challenges and system maintenance challenges. Since the empirical study, development, and validation of Ubicomp systems are still in their early stages, this may deter practitioners from using solutions from the literature. In that ground, our findings would enable academics and practitioners to construct robust Ubicomp systems with the knowledge transfer from this study. Since our study consolidates the vulnerable challenges in one place, the findings of the study could be readily adapted to overcome challenges when building ubiquitous systems and services.