The purpose of the present research was to study the relationship between Family Environment,
Peer Relations and Delinquent Change Tendencies among Adolescents. Data was taken from
(n=30) adolescents through purposive sampling strategy. Family environment scale, adolescents
peer relations instruments and the self-report delinquency scale were used as an assessment
measure. The result showed that family environment (r = .14, p < .005) with delinquent change
tendency, and, peer relations have significant positive (r = .12, p < .002) relationship with
delinquent change tendency. However, the results for the regression analysis revealed that all
models were significant. In the first step (ΔR2 = .02, F (1, 298) = .51, p = .000) family
environment was a statistically significant predictor (β = .04, p = .000), implying that family
environment predicts delinquent change tendency. In the second model (ΔR2 = -.06, F (2, 297) =
2.23, p < .004) resilience (β = -.11, p = .004) was significant predictor of delinquent change
tendency. The study concluded that higher level of bad family environment and peer relations
leads toward higher level of delinquent change tendency behavior which causes severe level of
delinquent behaviours. The present study will help to understand to improve the family
environment which delinquent behaviours among adolescents.