In today's Covid-19 pandemic situation, sleepless is a factor that affects not only oneself but also all
those who surrounded us. Sleep is essential for a person to lead a healthy life. Thus, insufficient sleep
for a human being can cause massive physical and psychological impairs, diseases and adverse
effects. During the Covid-19 period, people were forced to stay at home as a paralyzed. It is known
that youngsters are especially involved in entertainment and attached to smart phone during the
sleeping time. Therefore, this study is centered on the youth of Sainthamaruthu area. The objectives
of this study are to find out the Islamic perspective on sleep and to identify the causes and
consequences of sleeplessness among youths. Qualitative and quantitative approaches have been used
as data analysis techniques in this study. Primary and secondary data collection methods were used in
this study. The primary data was obtained through questionnaire and semi-structured interviews as
well as secondary data were obtained through journal articles, books, website articles and magazines
related to the topic. This study has been analyzed using the descriptive methodology. To sum up,
according to the study, sleeping patterns among youths are greatly affected and they give more
prominent on using mobile phones than to the time they spend in sleeping. Youths are at risk of not
being able to get adequate sleeping due to the excessive usage of phone at night, sleeping too much
during the day and overthinking, working at night, anxiety, watching movies, chit-chat with friends
and studying at late night. The study concludes that they can make positive changes in their sleeping
styles while identifying the factors that interferes with enough sleeping and effects of sleeplessness
and providing guidelines for overcoming them.