Veterinary care is a critical component of animal care, the veterinarian has primary
responsibility for the well-being and clinical care of the animals, and understanding
veterinary services and how pet owners perceive veterinarians is important to spot
potential pitfalls in animal-human health symbiosis. Veterinary care is also a team
event, which spans the life of each animal and encompasses all aspects of their
care and use. One of the foremost expectations is that pet and livestock owners
need to consult a veterinarian without being delayed. Of this getting an
appointment is an important fact, similarly being in contact until reaching a
veterinary care center helps pet owners to manage their anxiety. To address this, a
number of platforms have been created worldwide, though a handful of them are
relevant to the Sri Lankan aspect. Alongside, the available platforms could be not
effective in usage due to a lack of real-time communication, also root tracking
facilities. In order to overcome those two most frontiers, in this study, a web-based
hybrid access (online-offline) appointment system was developed with a user-friendly interface. The system was developed using the classic ASP.NET framework
4.6 and used ASP.NET C# as a programming language, HTML with bootstrap.
CSS was used to make pages more attractive and responsive. Further, this e-channeling system makes it easier to seek the nearest animal clinics, confirm a
veterinarian's availability, confirm reservations made online, reduce service
delays, and communicate between staff veterinarians and pet and livestock owners.
Most importantly, this system has the capacity to deliver a recognizable service
throughout the country, which undoubtedly will be another phase of ICT utilization
in the health sector of the country.