Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) are more important to get higher income in crop production. GAP
involves economic viability, social acceptability, sustainability of environment and food safety and
quality factors. Most of farmers are not aware of the advantages of GAP At Present, some farmers
involved in GAP certification programme. Officials of the department of agriculture are conducting
awareness programmes on GAP all over the Island. The study based on a survey which was carried out
in Batticaloa, Ampara, Polanaruwa, Monaragale and Anuradhapura district to find out hundred
respondents registered commercial fruits cultivation farmers were randomly selected and a primary
survey was conducted during January – May 2020 using a structured questionnaire. Farmer’s
knowledge on GAP program, and its elements perception and adaption GAP by farmers, factors
affecting farmer’s eligibility to apply for GAP certification measured. A probity model was estimated
to identify determinants of a farmer being eligible for GAP certification. In determining the variables
affecting the GAP eligibility a value of 1 is assigned for farmers who were eligible and a value of 0 was
assigned for farmers who were not eligible. The results of the estimation showed that there is not
statistically significant relationship between eligibility and age, perception score, land ownership, and
farming experience. Farmers’ knowledge of GAP certification and land extent positively and
significantly on farmer eligibility. It was revealed that commercial farmers have good awareness of
GAP. More attention should be paid to their knowledge on soil test-based fertilizer application. Specific
area such as fertilizer use Integrated Plant Nutrient System but Raise adaptation, perception on
ownership of land, Farming experience and farmers knowledge on GAP certification and provision of
subsidy will lead to more adaptation of GAP.