Small and medium Enterprises can be generally characterized especially in
developing countries as the engine of growth of the economy, the highest
employment, reducing poverty by creating self-employment opportunities, earning
revenue and contributing Gross Domestic Production (GDP). The main focus of this
this is to explore the nature and the characteristics of SMEs together with the
lending constraints facing the SMEs. Basically this research focuses Ampara District
as the main area of study. The researcher uses questionnaire to collect the data from
four areas. The researcher has concluded that many studies have shown most of the
SMEs lack access to finance for starting, operating, and expanding their business,
therefore they borrow loan from many ways.
This research is structured in to five chapters. In first chapter is introduction of study,
definition addressed. In the second chapter previous research findings about Small
and Medium Enterprises are concerned. In third chapter present the methodology of
this research.
In forth chapter presents data presentation and analysis of this research. In the final
chapter give conclusion and recommendation.