The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of stress on employee performance
with reference at Dehiatthakandiya Education Zone. Stress is a universal element and
persons from nearly every walk of life have to face stress. In today's knowledge
economy the importance of education has been increasing. Within education system,
teachers have vital position, as the successes of educational institution is mostly
depend on teachers, who educate most valued assets of country, i.e. students;
therefore the teachers' performance is fundamental concern of all educational
institutions. The teachers' performance is negatively influenced by different stress
contributing factors that impede the performance of teachers, resulting in lower
individual as well as institutional performance. For this study basic research was
utilized. Research was conducted within the framework of a survey. To conduct the
study 260 teachers were selected as sample. Disproportionate stratified random
sampling used to collect the sample. After analyzed the data through different
parametric test, it was concluded that number of factors under workload, work
environment, student's behavior, administration and self are creating much stress
among the public school teachers. Impact of stress on performance measured by
univariate and bivariate analysis using SPSS 16.0 version in this study shows that
there is a negative relationship (r = -0.527) between stress and teacher performance and
27.8% variance in the teacher performance is explained by stress. These findings
proved that stress negatively impact on teacher performance. The educational
institutions should focus on teachers' problems through understanding teachers'
problems and also providing proper support to the teachers for dealing problems. On
other side the teachers by themselves should learn to adjust to the demands of
teaching profession.