The issue of poverty, and particularly that of poverty alleviation, is given much emphasis in various
national and international arenas, since the declaration of the Millennium Development Goals by the
United Nations in 2000. The declaration focuses strongly on alleviating world poverty within the next
decade. However, Islam provides Islamic tool that has completely proved in combating poverty.
According to this, the objective of the study is to evaluate the role of Zakat in alleviating poverty in
Nintavur divisional secretariat area. Survey conducted between the year 2010 and 2014. The study
takes the form of qualitative, quantitative and descriptive analysis and depends on structural
questionnaires, focus group discussion and key informant interviews which are both primary and
secondary. The result indicates that the Zakat has played important role in taking out Muslims from
poverty trap in the research area, Nintavur. Moreover, this research draw up few recommendations
such as aware the people on Zakat, implement collective Zakat and the importance of training and
skill development to promote and encourage Zakat for further effectiveness on eradicating poverty.