Non-communicable diseases are being tremendously increasing in the recent past in Sri Lanka.
Though the Ministry of Health implements advanced treatment and provides better healthcare
service especially for the diabetic patients, more than 25% of the population are being affected
by diabetic diseases, (Health ministry, 2014). The Ministry of Health has implemented efficient
preventive and curative measures. However, the diabetic disease rate increases instead of
reduction or eradication in Sri Lanka. The same situation of diabetic status is observed in
the Research Area. Apart from sex and age, the patients have mentally, physically and
biologically been affected due to Diabetes, though they had been medically treated. This
research was carried out on medical ground in sociological perspective. The methodology
used is mixed approach. The primary data was collected through questionnaire, interview
and observation and experimental methods from 200 diabetic patients .The finding of the
research reveal that practices followed in the life style and treatment pattern of the diabetic
patients impact them severely. If the health care institutions of this area take a collective
effort and responsibility to reduce diabetic disease, this can have positive impact to save the
future generation of our society.