This study assessed the impacts of Oluvil harbour construction on beach
seine fish by comparing fish from disturbed (Palamunai 1) and undisturbed (Neelavani
1 to Maruthamunai 1) areas. Harbour development affects marine fin fish fishery.
(Freitaset al, 2009; Tuya et al, 2002). 2256 fish belonging to 32 families were collected
from 9 hauls. (6-15mm bag and 1,4,6,9, inches wings). Two of the 9 hauls were taken at
Navalady, Batticaloa (60 km north of harbour site) Fish abundance, diversity, eveness
and dominance indices of fin fish and length frequency distribution of pony fish Secutor
ruconius were estimated from random samples. Munro (2000) was used in fish
identification. Four species were common (50-90%,), 5 species occurred occasionally
(21-50%), rest were sporadic (<0.2%). Shannon Diversity and Eveness Indices showed
moderate diversity. (Maruthamunai, 1.5 Neelavani, 1.7,1.3 ,1.1& Navalady,2.15, 1.6,
Palamunai 2.2,0.6, 1.8). Sorenson similarity indices, were low, indicating dissimilarity
among all locations (0.25, 0.01,0.113,0.036, 0.229,0.045,0.33,0.47). ANOVA &
Student T test showed insignificant differences for within boat and between boats at the
same site( F 1,198 = 0.0008; P=0.91, P> 0.05; P=0.67,P > 0.05) and significant
differences between undisturbed and disturbed sites. ( F, 1,198 = 841.3,
P=0.0000,P<0.05). Pony fish may influence commercially exploited fish species by
being their food item. In the tropics Pony fish are marketed either fresh or dried. The
results reported should be subjected to further systematic investigations.