The concept of Fikh al Awlaviya is an important concept of Islamic sharia that is mostly discussed in
contemporary world, especially in Muslim minority countries. The Fikh al Awlaviya categorized the Sharia
affairs considering the placement of values system In the earlier period, it was called ―categorizing of Deeds‖ 27
The Islamic law consists of the fundamental sources of Holy Quran and the traditions of prophet Mohammed
(sal) and also includes the secondary sources which are not against the law of Sharia that were made by the
way of Ijdihath. Prioritizing fikh has given rise to a state of confusion among the Muslim community in Sri
Lanka. As such there is inefficiency in the smooth functioning of Dawa activities causing a negative impact on
the Muslim community. As a result, this has caused clash of opinions and conflict among the pluralistic society.
Through this study, the researcher aims to provide knowledge on the priority of fikh in Sharia perspective, It is
significant and a need in a minority country to identify the challenges during the implementation of this
concept. The researcher used qualitative research methodology. The primary data was collected through
interview and observation and secondary data from books, magazine, newspaper and web sites. The findings
reveal that the concept of priority is not popular in Muslim community in Sri Lanka and there is confusion
among the people in understanding the concept. Therefore this research will provide some guidance and basic
knowledge in this area with strategies to overcome challenges of this concept.