Farmers in Ampara region depend on massive quantities of synthetic fertilizers.Now
there is a tendency to produce and use compost fertilizer in agriculture among several farmers in this
region.However their quality is not comparable with the synthetic ones. The following study was
undertaken to determine the parameters of the compost prepared by individuals and units operating in
this region, in terms of chemical composition andtheir nutrient contentand compare their relative
nutrient index value.As an initiative, a total of six representative compost samples from this region
were collected during April 2016. pH, EC, moisture content, WHC, NPK values, OC and sand content
were analyzed by standard methods. Results revealed that none of the samples collected were
satisfying all the standardparameters, may be due to the use of different feed stock as raw material,
hence different composition and different time periods allowed for maturity by the different
producers. However, one sample (sample no. 5) satisfied most of the standard quality parameters,
such as pH of 6.5, EC of 0.476 dS m-1
, moisture content of 22%, 59.12% of WHC, 0.5789% of
potassium content, 20.03% of OC, 0.8967% of total nitrogen content, a C/N ratio of 22:1 and with a
nutrient index of 1.75.Phosphorus and sand content of almost all the samples were deviating from
recommended values. Sample number 5 was obtained from a farmer, who has undergone trainings in
preparing compost fertilizer. Other samples showed deviation, from the acceptable range of measured
parameters mainly due to the usage of improper ratio of feedstock and unhealthy maintenance of
conditions throughout the composting period. A vigorous monitoring with periodical analyses of
samples is recommended as a continued study.