The domestic family problems become alarming social problems and main cause for
the rise of divorce rate. These problems are to be addressed in effective ways through organizational
measures. The main objective of this research is toevaluate the role of Islamic institutions to
overcome the family problems in kattankudy. In this research,the qualitative methodology was used
and data for this research has been collected through interviews of notable persons and officers from
13 Islamic institutions that works for the community development in particular research area. The
interview data was coded and analyzed. The records and documents of Islamic institution were also
reviewed for this study. Few of those institutionsare working towards solving the domestic family
problems. The Islamic women organizations, ZakatFoundation, and Marriage Arbitrational Board
address the family issues in an effective means to overcome the domestic problems than Quazi court
and masjid. The nature of the domestic problems and their causes in study area most likely provided
spaces for former institutions to play the extended role. Moreover, it is quit usual that the women
organizations take serious concerns and involvement in the family problems, of that, the women are
being worst affected. This study describes the model way and guidance for addressing the family
problems in order to sort out them and itfurther helps to those who interested in conducting the similar