English language has its own demanding place in the current competitive world. Students
lack interest, sufficient knowledge and fluency in English language, though they have learnt
it from childhood. Technology development blessed teachers and students with multimedia
audio-visual aids which increase interest in the language learning classroom. Even though,
these multimedia audio-visual aids are not being fully utilized in Sri Lankan education
system. This study was conducted to illustrate the importance of using multimedia audiovisual aids in the English language learning classrooms at South Eastern University of Sri
Lanka. Purposive sample method is used for this study and the sample size is 80 students.
Primary data was collected using interviews and observations. Secondary data were gained
through records, journals, articles, annual reports and websites. Collected data were
analysed by using both quantitative and qualitative data analyse methods and presented in
a descriptive way. The study explored that still the facilitators practice same traditional
method of teaching. Nearly all students pointed out that using multimedia audio-visual aids
is a motivation tool and makes students active in the language learning classrooms,
maintains a high level of interest in language learning and highly encourages students’
participation and enrolment and it is helpful for better English language learning. Lack of
technical facilities, absence of proper training, knowledge and experience among instructors
are identified barriers behind the inadequate use of multimedia audio-visual aids in the
English language learning classrooms. Compared to traditional method teaching class the
students paid more attention and interest in the classroom where multimedia audio-visual
aid teaching method is used. Students were very much responsive, performed well and
obtained more marks where the facilitators used multimedia audio-visual aids. Using
multimedia audio-visual aids in the language learning classroom is essential to increase the
interest, knowledge and proficiency in English language among students.