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Electromagnetic engineering for human health

Show simple item record Murshid, M.B. 2018-02-21T07:09:02Z 2018-02-21T07:09:02Z 2017-12-07
dc.identifier.citation 7th International Symposium 2017 on “Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development”. 7th - 8th December, 2017. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka. pp. 121-128. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-955-627-120-1
dc.description.abstract During fresh years there has been growing public concern on probable health risks from powerfrequency fields (extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields; Intensified Fields) and from radiofrequency/microwave radiation emissions (Radio Frequency) from wireless communications. Nonthermal (low- intensity) biological effects have not been measured for regulation of microwave exposure, although numerous scientific texts signpost such effects. The bio initiative text is based on an international research and public strategy initiative to give an overview of what is known of bi- logical effects that occur at low-intensity electromagnetic fields (Electromagnetic Fields) exposure. Health endpoints texted to be connected with Intensified Fields and/or Radio Frequency include childhood leukemia, brain tumors, Geno toxic properties, neurological effects and neurodegenerative diseases, immune system deregulation, allergic and inflammatory responses, breast cancer, failure and some cardiovascular effects. The bio inventiveness text decided that a reasonable misgiving of risk exists based on clear evidence of bio effects at environmentally relevant levels, which, with prolonged exposures may reasonably be presumed to result in health impacts. Regarding Intensified Fields a new lower public safety limit for comfortable space adjacent to all new or promoted power lines and for all other new structures should be applied. A new lower limit should also be used for present habitable space for children and/or women who are pregnant. A protective limit should be approved for outdoor, cumulative Radio Frequency exposure and for cumulative indoor fields with significantly lower limits than existing guidelines. The current guidelines for us and European microwave experience from mobile phones, for the brain are 1.6 w/kg and 2 w/kg, respectively. Since use of mobile phones is associated with an amplified risk for brain tumour after 10 years, a new biologically based standard is warranted. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka. en_US
dc.subject Electromagnetism en_US
dc.subject Effect en_US
dc.subject Human health en_US
dc.title Electromagnetic engineering for human health en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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