Since the beginning of the 20th-century specialists have strived for ways that could comprise language teaching
methods, which can ensure the best results in language training and teaching classes. And there are various
methods, especially in the first half of this century. Some language teaching experts progressed further than
methods with the hope of earning more results. Only some of teachers’ encouraged towards what is known as
reflective teaching (RT).The process of bridging the gap between experience and learning is called Reflection.
RT teacher requires a good self-observations of self-assessment, the need to go on patrol in a way to ensure that
teachers understand their classes so that they make their own classroom process improvements where needed. RT
is the process by which teachers reflect on their classroom procedures for collecting and analysing the
descriptive facts that will be modified to show where the change can be made. RT gives teachers material and
professional flexibility for teachers. This paper elaborates on the process of reflection practice and deliberates the
effects for foreign/second language educators.