This fabrication on the non-promotion of the Domestic Tourism industry results in the procedures in
place to achieve the intended objectives. Twenty travel agencies have promoted a trivial narrative through the use
of newspapers, books, articles, magazines, and websites. These analysis methods used to promote the domestic
tourism industry have identified the opportunities in the domestic tourism industry, the opportunities, what
weaknesses, threats, and what potentials are involved in the SWOT analysis. Here, attention is drawn on how the
travel agencies have evaded the promotion of the domestic tours, and attention has been drawn in this regard on
measures to be taken. In this research you can get a brief overview of how the sample is used to solve the problem,
describing the methodology and how to analyze the data. This data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative
data. Using modern data analysis method, the research was carried out using both primary and secondary
information. SPASS 22 and SWOT ANALYSIS have been used with modern methods of analysis.