This article investigated the best fitting model for studying the rural consumer preference
towards buying organically produced condiments as well as examine the role of product,
personal perception related, economic and socio-demographic factors in predicting attitude
and purchase intention of rural consumer. A conceptual model was developed and evaluated
by modeling structural equations on a sample of 324. The results showed that the full
specified model (model 3) was the best fitting model among selected models. Further, the
attitude of the rural consumer was explained by product, personal related and economic
factors as well as level of education, household income. Attitude partially mediated the
effect of product characteristics, personal perception and own price of the organic
condiments. Attitude assumes a more central role in fully mediating the effect of product
characteristic and own price on intention to purchase organic condiments. Study implies that
the organic condiments industry can promote the product to rural consumers that the
organically produced condiments are tastier, more nutritious, healthy and safer to consume.