—Creatinine is a nitrogenous organic waste product and
increased in serum under abnormal renal function. Commonly
used methods for creatinine measurement are Jaffe and Sarcosine
Oxidase enzymatic methods. Delays in serum separation may cause
changes in serum creatinine level. This could lead to misclassification of the stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. The study was carried
out in normal pooled serum to find the changes in the serum creatinine levels of normal individuals, if the blood is stored for different
periods and the serum separation is delayed. Ten milliliters (10 mL)
of blood from 3 healthy individuals were pooled, equally divided
and were stored. Creatinine concentrations in the serum immediately
separated from the blood samples which were stored for 2 and 6
hours & 1, 2 & 3 days, at room temperature (≈ 27 − 29◦C) & in a
refrigerator were measured. The results indicated that the Sarcosine
Oxidase enzymatic method gives more accurate values of serum
creatinine level than the Jaffe method. Samples can be stored at
room temperature for 6 h without significant change in creatinine
concentration (p<0.5) and refrigerator is the best method for delayed
serum separation (p<0.5).