Purpose: The Covid-19 brought many substantial impacts on labour markets and the
workforce. The pandemic disproportionally affected the women workers in terms of
business, health, education and employment. The need to promote and address the
employment rights of women has emerged in the post pandemic world of work. Thus,
the study intends to analyze the challenges and opportunities for female workers in
the post pandemic world.
Design/methodology/approach: A sample of 120 working women was drawn using
convenience sampling method. The research approach used was Inductivism. Overall,
the research study was qualitative in nature. Survey strategy was used to conduct the
research with the survey instrument being phone call interviews. The data collected
from the interviewees was analyzed using thematic analysis.
Findings: The pandemic significantly had the effects on female workers in losing
jobs than men as they are the co-players at household tasks and taking care of
children. On the other hand, the study finds the pandemic has paved some innovative
paths for women through new types of employments such as remote and online jobs
which created new opportunities for them to work from home, to earn and to use their
Research implications: The post pandemic has created immense of female youtubers
whereas the home makers have become the earners through the innovative and
entertaining videos. Thus, the results will offer insight for the researchers and
policymakers to understand the nature of women empowerment from the post
pandemic which is a new revolution in terms of employment opportunities for women
and it has somehow empowered the women to fulfill their dreams to earn and
maintain the work-life balance in a possible way.
Research Limitation: This study eliminated unemployed women. For future studies,
researchers may consider employed and unemployed women to get a deep insight of
the findings and its generalizability.
Originality / Value: The findings of this study would help policy makers to take
necessary steps in planning women empowerment strategies to promote the nations.