Good Governance is a precondition for sustainable development. There
is also the prerequisites mat legal, institutional and policy framework as well as
competencies of the local governance enable a transparent, participative, effective and
efficient governance process. Unfortunatnately in East Sri Lanka as well as in many
other parts of the country, this assumption is only partly met, and socio-economic
progress is directly influenced by this fact On this backdrop, the research focuses on
comparative view of role of Kalmunai and Batticaloa Municipal Councils in installing
good governance. The prime objective of mis study is to identify the achievements of
bom councils in their good governance process, and to study the barriers that are
inhibiting the both council in establishing good governance. Further this research
provides some recommendation to uplift this situation. This study is based on
comparative method in which has been used qualitative and quantitative data. Both
primary and secondary materials have been used. The major findings of this study is
that level of Kalmunai Municipal Council good governance process is very low
compare to Batticoloa Municipal council, and both have many challenges in
establishing good governance in their governance process.