The main objective of this research study is to test whether there is any
performance variation exists in between the grade 5 students' performances in
competitive and non-competitive examination. The grade S scholarship examination is a
competitive conducted by the government and school term examinations (2n d and 3r d
terms) are non-competitive. Most importantly, this is to examine the impact of the grade
5 scholarship examination in the development of child education which is an analysis
about how far the stress makes poor performance among grade 5 students.
Two types of data were collected to test this object; firstly the grade 5 scholarship
examination marks of the students for the past consequent 10 years (2000-2009).
Secondly the same students' 2 n d and 3 r d terms school examination marks for the same 10
To analyze these data ANOVA statistical procedure was used to. test the
association between the students performance between competitive and non-competitive
examinations. Turkey's student zed range method was used for multiple comparison of
means between scholarship and school terms examination. Since the competitive
examination takes place in between 2n d and 3r d term examinations. Further another
comparison test was made to analyze the association in between 2n d and 3r d term
examinations. These comparisons were used in order to check whether there is any
improvement in the students' performance after the scholarship examination.
The results showed that students' performances are significantly poor in the scholarship
examination comparing with school terms examination in all 10 years and there is no
significant difference between the students' performances in 2D d and 3r d terms