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dc.contributor.authorFathim Seefa, K. R.-
dc.identifier.citation8th International Symposium 2018 on “Innovative Multidisciplinary Research for Green Development”. 17th - 18th December, 2018. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka. pp. 987-997.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe role of women and stereotypes associated with women have changed to a great extent after the emergence of Feminist Movement. This change is vividly captured in English fictions. English fictions produced twenty years ago would have portrayed women in such a way that fulfil the expectation of the patriarchal society- passive and dutiful woman, obedient wife who endures the torture of husband, good mother, asexual etc. In addition women were made to conform to the rules set up by the society- by male. After the emergence of Feminism, women started to question their stereotypical roles in society. As a result of this, women started to break away from all the stereotypes associated with them and asserted their individuality. Some named this assertion as rebellion and rebellious women were labelled as “bad woman”. Compared to the western context, the situation of the so called “bad woman” in Asia was even worse because having labelled as “bad woman” she was ostracised from the society as she was considered as a threat to patriarchy. Thus the novel, “God of Small Things” written by an Indian author, Arundhati Roy portrays the rebellion of women against the male dominated society and vulnerability of women. Thus this paper explores whether the rebellion of women against patriarchy is successful.en_US
dc.publisherSouth Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka.en_US
dc.subjectStereotypical rolesen_US
dc.titleArundhati Roy’s “god of small things” and futility of women’s rebellion in patriarchal society.en_US
Appears in Collections:8th International Symposium - 2018

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